Athey Creek West Linn

Weekend Services

Saturdays—6pm Sundays—8am, 10am, 12pm

Midweek Study


Ser­vice Information

Our Sat­ur­day night¹ and Sun­day morn­ing ser­vices are iden­ti­cal to one anoth­er. Sim­i­lar to much of what we do at Athey, these ser­vices are sim­ple and casual.

Acts 2:42 offers a clear descrip­tion of what the ear­ly church was like. It is our desire to fol­low this mod­el as close­ly as pos­si­ble. On Wednes­day nights, we meet at 7pm to study through the Bible, book-by-book, and the week­end teach­ings usu­al­ly high­light a par­tic­u­lar verse or sec­tion from the upcom­ing Wednes­day night study.

¹ASL inter­pre­ta­tion is avail­able in the first row at the 6:00pm ser­vice on Sat­ur­day nights.


Office Hours

Mon­day – Fri­day: 9am to 5pm
Week­ends: Closed

Athey Creek West Linn

2700 Southwest Ek Road West Linn, Oregon 97068

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Want to Serve?

If you are interested in volunteering at Athey Creek West Linn, fill out the form.


Email us with questions or to connect with the West Linn team!

West Linn Staff

Go here to see a complete list of the Athey Creek West Linn Staff