New Believers
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved
We are so thrilled you’ve made the
deciÂsion to folÂlow Jesus.
Our desire is to come alongÂside you and proÂvide encourÂageÂment and supÂport. We pray that as you read His Word, you will be all the more sure of His great love for you.
For the Word of God is livÂing and powÂerÂful, and sharpÂer than any two-edged sword, piercÂing even to the diviÂsion of soul and spirÂit, and of joints and marÂrow, and is a disÂcernÂer of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
We encourÂage you to find a good, Bible teachÂing church that will help to strengthÂen your faith, and your underÂstandÂing of who God is. If you decide to make Athey your home church, we have some resources we want you to be aware of as you get setÂtled in. AddiÂtionÂalÂly, if you’d like to drop by, conÂtact us—we’d love to meet you!
TeachÂings for New Believers
We’ve put togethÂer some of PasÂtor Brett’s past teachÂings that may be helpÂful to you as you begin your walk with Jesus. Choose a topÂic below to get startÂed. If you have quesÂtions about anyÂthing addressed in these teachÂings, feel free to conÂtact our church office, and one of our pasÂtors would love the chance to conÂnect with you.