
Serv­ing in the church is a great way
to build bonds with oth­er believers

There are many oppor­tu­ni­ties to par­tic­i­pate in ser­vice and we would like to part­ner teams of youth togeth­er to meet var­i­ous needs around the church.

This min­istry oppor­tu­ni­ty will be called Duck­Feet. Duck­Feet is rep­re­sen­ta­tive of how a duck’s webbed feet are unseen but kick hard under the sur­face allow­ing it to glide across the water smoothly.

Teams will be sched­uled by a coor­di­na­tor based on each person’s avail­abil­i­ty. Some pos­si­ble tasks include:

  • Youth Night setup/​teardown (Thurs­day evenings before/​after Youth Night)
  • Athey Kids setup/​teardown (Sat­ur­days before the 6 pm ser­vice, Sun­days after the 12 pm service)
  • Athey Kids craft bag pro­duc­tion (Thurs­days before/​during Youth Night)
  • Mis­cel­la­neous oth­er needs (mov­ing, event prep, yard-work, etc)

Those involved will need to be respon­sive to email and have a cheer­ful work eth­ic! Feel free to make requests for spe­cif­ic peo­ple to be on your teams or for spe­cif­ic roles. Junior High and High School will be kept sep­a­rate dur­ing their serv­ing opportunities.

High School Signup

Sign up to volunteer for Athey HS DuckFeet.

Junior High Signup

Sign up to volunteer for Athey JH DuckFeet.