
And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

2 Timothy 2:2


Tad & Marna


The Islands of Van­u­atu are locat­ed west of Fiji in the South Pacif­ic. In the late 1800’s the first mis­sion­ar­ies came to these fierce can­ni­bal­is­tic islands. In an amaz­ing­ly brief space of time, many became Chris­tians. Entire pop­u­la­tions of some of the islands came to Christ. In spite of this, there are few who teach through the Bible today.

Due to this lack of teach­ing, the peo­ple of Van­u­atu hunger for Scrip­ture and there are many oppor­tu­ni­ties for shar­ing the Word with peo­ple. Our desire is to assist peo­ple in know­ing and lov­ing Jesus more as a result of learn­ing who He is through the study of His Word. Sev­er­al of the Ni-Van­u­atu men have risen up to help us shep­herd sev­er­al church­es. Pas­tors Floyd and Samuel care for the needs at Nata­nara. Pas­tor Zachy has start­ed two church­es in near­by Fanafo and divides his time between these churches.

Tad and Mar­na just recent­ly returned from a sev­er­al month trip to Van­u­atu in which they had oppor­tu­ni­ty to encour­age the broth­ers and sis­ters there and fur­ther estab­lish the work.

Prayer Requests

  • Praise the Lord that the Nivan pas­tors are doing well in teach­ing the word and build­ing up the believ­ers there.
  • Praise the Lord that there are more oppor­tu­ni­ties for out­reach and Bible teach­ing to oth­er unreached peo­ples and islands.
  • Pray for wis­dom for how to best pro­vide for the work at this stage of the mission.

Natanara Christian Fellowship

Local Road Luganville, Sanma Province